The Glasgow Gang

"There should be no such thing as fate."

A Limsa-based pirate band, gang, and hunter's crew.


Amongst the various pirate bands of Limsa is where Glasgow makes its home, operating out of an air and sea ship known as the Vigilo. Originally starting out as nothing more than a normal pirate gang, a change of leadership shifted the crew from simple brigands to an odd mismash of highly trained specialists and fighters.
Now working under the Maelstrom flag as certified privateers specializing in taking "odd cases" and following an almost knight-style code, Glasgow still maintains their vagabond roots and overall freedom to fly under their own sky, though what their true mission is often remains unknown to the public eye - even if their skills are far more diverse than a typical privateer crew.

Underneath the surface, Glasgow is a small but highly organized group of hunters, researchers, alchemists, and mercenaries, taking members from all over Eorzea and the rest of Hydaelyn. Originally led by A'zumyn "Indra" Odh, they sailed in Limsa as illegal pirates until Indra's subsequent loss to a duel against Verna "Siege" Del-ilja eighteen years ago, and she has led the gang ever since, the mysterious viera weaving the gang into a close-knit family bound together by a code.

Glasgow is primarily known for their incredible hunters and mercenaries, their most famous known for their specialized training, their abnormally large aetherpools, and their tendency to down mysterious, secret tonics created by their "Doc" that give them an edge against fighting various creatures, though at what cost to themselves is unknown.

They are also known for their resources, taking on trades, both legal and grey, from all over Limsa and Eorzea, to Kugane and the Far East. Often times, they can procure rare and interesting artifacts - if the job interests the crew, or often get those in trouble with the law of Limsa out with well-placed bribes and string pulling.

But Glasgow has always been a traveling band, even if they call Limsa their home and sea. Often times, the crew will take trips out to Bozja and Dalmasca, though why is a story often left quiet even to the oldest members of the gang. Many whisper that the crewmates are running - but whether from or to something is left to be known.


A family of vagabonds and fighters from all walks of life, Glasgow's crew may be small in number, but each colorful member makes a mark on the gang's name and creed.

Player Characters

Verna "Siege" Dei-ilja

The leader of Glasgow, Verna, more known as Siege amongst her crew, is a solitary yet passionate Rava Viera dancer, gunbreaker, and warrior. She is also one of Glasgow's hunters.
Hailing from Dalmasca, Verna took over the gang nearly eighteen years ago by besting Indra in a bout. She is notoriously closed about her own post and secrets, concealing them all with a warm, quiet smile. However, she takes a note to try and remember every crew member and conversation she has with her family.
Anyone who meets with Glasgow will eventually meet with her, and anyone who harms one of hers tend to answer to her words, chakrams, or gunblades. She is the prime enforcer to make sure no one in Glasgow is left behind - no matter what or where their journey may take them.

Kaz "Kairos" Dei-ilja

A leader of Glasgow and their primary transporter, Kaz "Kairos" Dei-ilja is a trickster-like messenger and courier. While often not found on the ship, he is sometimes seen carrying out the wishes and desires of the gang while traveling the world.
Secretive about his own story and past, Kaz is known within the gang for his strange ability to manipulate time, as well as his inability to stay in one place. However, he seems unusually unfazed by most who talk to him, as his reactions can seem practiced in terms of making himself as quiet of an issue as possible.

Kolmin "Arsenal" Tia

One of Glasgow's most infamous hunters, Kolmin "Arsenal" Tia is one of the newer members of the gang itself, having only been part of the crew for a mere season, yet his unrivaled skill in hunting and combat had landed him a spot in protecting the crew and carrying out marks the gang takes.
Picked up from Doma during the height of the war, Kolmin is still finding his place amongst the gang, though his endearing, kind personality and occasional sass have earned him a spot in the hearts of the crew and Limsa alike.

Non-Player Characters

A'zumyn "Indra" Odh

The former leader of Glasgow and current second-in-command, Indra is a loudmouthed but warm Miqo'te specializing in brawling and ship maintenance. Confident, kind, loud, and often in people's faces, Indra follows Siege with a devotion that often ties the heart of Glasgow together - following her vision of her crew and the world together.
When Siege is away on a mission, it is often Indra who keeps the crew together, making sure everything runs smoothly.

Alexois "Doc" Blackstone

The doctor of the Glasgow gang and a formidable alchemist, Alexois or "Doc", as he is more so commonly referred to by, is the man in charge of the majority of all of the tonics utilized by Glasgow's hunters, as well as ensuring the safety and health of the crew. Stern and to-the-point, this no-nonsense Elezen can also hold himself in a fight, though he is rarely seen outside the ship.

Z'tyaka "Exu" Raha

The main weaponsmith and gunslinger of Glasgow, this sugary, hyper, and bombastic redheaded Miqo'te is known for her love of two things: guns and apple pie. One of Glasgow's hunters, her specialty within the ship is her ability to quickly utilize multiple guns with little feedback - often at the cost of then ship's integrity.

"Morgan" and "Closure"

This twin pair are almost never seen outside the ship - or their room. Referred to solely as "Morgan" and "Closure" - they are referred interchangeably. The pair takes care of most of the information scouting for the Gang, but information on them in particular is scarce and one of Glasgow's best kept secrets, for their race, gender, or even real names are not known except for those within Glasgow.

The Code

Amongst other pirate crews and gangs of Limsa, Glasgow is known for their code and creed that binds the members together.

1. Glasgow is family. We don't leave family behind, though we do let them know if they're walkin' into a fire. Don't turn your back on the crew.

2. Don't kill a soul unless you can stake your life on your reason for doing so. However, life's not all daisies - so don't be afraid to defend yourself.

3. Take marks and hunts for a good reason. Make sure you know as much as you can from the marks as well.

4. If you're going to commit a crime, either don't or make sure you got a plan to get away with it.

5. If you got a problem with someone, either work it out or settle it in a duel. Differences are to be respected - we all sail under one sky and sea, and those who are gonna throw a fuss over petty things like race are gonna get a boot to the face.

6. Try to keep trouble off the port of the ship. If you got the law after you, then try and shake it or call one of us to help you. We protect our ship.

7. Listen to the captain and leaders - but keep your mind sharp. If you got a problem with something, speak up.

8. Protect each other. Those who betray or hurt one of us hurt all of Glasgow. However, the truth can be muddled - so try and figure out what's going on before leaping into action.

OOC and Rules

Thank you for your interest in this FC!

Please understand that this FC shares a tag with Alta Vox and the FC's house is not tied to this gang, nor do the two factions have any connections with each other.

If you wish to plan something with the Glasgow Gang, whether it be events or connections, feel free to send a tell to Verna Del-ilja or Tula Wiael of Balmung in-game, or please reach out to me on discord under: Melafyre#5008.

Please be over the age of eighteen, both IC and OOC. There may be mature themes discussed, so this is not a place for minors.Treat others with respect and kindness. There will be no tolerance for harassment, bullying, or pettiness. If there are conflicts, please settle the matter respectfully in DMs, or ask someone with the <VOX> FC tag to direct you towards someone who can you assist if you need to. This is not the place for OOC drama. If you are unsure if something is going to make someone uncomfortable, please feel free to ask.No homophobia, no transphobia, no racism, no classism, no sexism, no bigotry of any kind. We value inclusivity very highly.Do not metagame. Please be realistic and mindful of what your character would know ICly, especially due to the secretive nature of the criminal ties in the venue. If you aren't certain if your character could know something, reach out and ask before using it as a hook.IC does not equal OOC, and IC actions will have IC consequences. Though IC conflict is to be expected, at some points, please do not take those conflicts OOC, and remember that the players behind the screen are not their characters. But, with that said, if someone is experiencing OOC discomfort due to the roleplay, things should stop until a solution is reached that makes everyone comfortable to move forward.Communication is paramount to good roleplay. If you have a question about anything - please feel free to ask.